Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Vol. 12, No. 4, 2023 >
IJSGCE 2023 Vol.12(4): 81-90
DOI: 10.12720/sgce.12.4.81-90

Impact of Renewables Resources into the Italian Intraday Electricity Market

Manuscript submitted November 14, 2022; revised January 9, 2023; accepted June 10, 2023; published October 9, 2023.

Andrea Alberizzi1*, Alessandro Zani2, Paolo Di Barba1

1 University of Pavia, Via Ferrata 5, Pavia, 2700, Italy
2 RSE S.P.A. SSE department, Via Rubattino 54, Milan, 20134, Italy
*Correspondence: andrea.alberizzi01@universitadipavia.it(A.A.) 

International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 12, no. 4, 2023: pp. 81-90
Submitted November 14, 2022; revised January 9, 2023; accepted June 10, 2023; published
October 9, 2023.
Full Paper.pdf

Intermittent resources such as wind and solar are nowadays strongly approaching the energy markets. European authorities are responsible to find the optimal way to integrate them efficiently into the power system to follow the decarbonization process. Market rules penalize traders who close their position in the market without being able to respect it in real market operation. At this regard, the possibility of being able to exchange energy closer to the real time operation helps players to solve forecasts problems. To this aim, a new design of intraday market has been carried at European level focused on the possibility to trade energy continuously until one hour before the delivery. The Italian energy market, historically based on seven auctions, taking part to the Single Intra Day Coupling (SIDC) Market, implemented a hybrid system composed by three auctions and continuous trading. Consequently, the whole system had to face significant changes that impacts on volumes, prices of energy exchanged and agent’s behavior.  This paper aims at investigating how the efficiency of the market changes in terms of liquidity and price volatility and the new strategies adopted by players throughout statistical analyses that compare the past structure of intraday Italian market and the current one.

Renewable energies, intraday market, power system

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