Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Vol. 12, No. 4, 2023 >
IJSGCE 2023 Vol.12(4): 91-99
DOI: 10.12720/sgce.12.4.91-99

Carbon-emission Reduction of Hybrid Renewable Energy System Stochastic Day-Ahead Scheduling

Manuscript submitted February 16, 2023; revised May 8, 2023; accepted June 10, 2023; published October 9, 2023.

Ilaria Sorrenti1*, Theis Bo Harild Rasmussen2, Qiuwei Wu3, Shi You1

1 Department of Wind Power and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 Watts, Brogade 19E, 4600 Køge
3 Environmental Science and Renewable Technology Center, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen, 518071, China
*Correspondence: ilaso@dtu.dk(L.S.)

International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 12, no. 4, 2023: pp. 91-99
Submitted February 16, 2023; revised May 8, 2023; accepted June 10, 2023; published October 9, 2023.

Full Paper.pdf

In light of new energy policies, energy systems should face the challenge of mitigating CO2. Although environmental sustainability is a hot topic, Day-ahead (DA) scheduling is approached by prioritising the economic perspective, risking sub-optimal CO2 emission. To highlight the current model limitation, this paper proposes an approach for minimising CO2 during operation inspired by the Carbon Emission Flow (CEF) method, not revealed by cost optimisation. Although this approach assumes complete energy system control and is less likely to be used for real-world energy dispatching, such a tool creates awareness among stakeholders about the minimum CO2 limit and the consequences of using specific components or external sources. For this purpose, CEF cost and emission results are compared with cost minimisation with/without CO2 taxation, confirming that current optimisations objectives cannot achieve the lowest CO2 emission level. The performances are compared with indices assessing sustainability with insights on dispatching strategies and system components that affect emissions and costs. Finally, to detect if the taxation strategy is suitable for reaching the lowest CO2 in DA scheduling, a sensitivity analysis was carried out by increasing taxation prices up to 5-times, concluding it would increase costs without reaching the minimum set by the proposed approach.

Carbon minimisation, carbon-taxes Day-ahead scheduling, hybrid renewable energy systems, sustainable indices

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